19 Problems Only People Who Grew Up With A Babyface Will Understand

2. "You Shouldn't Be In Here!"

When you finally get to 18, it's great. You pretty much go wherever you want - and, more to the point, you can do so legally. So, imagine your horror when, in a nightclub you've just started frequenting, the "regulars" see this new patron frequenting their turf and don't believe for one second that you're old enough to be there. Cue the snide comments: "Are you sure you're old enough to be in here?" "When did they start letting kids in here?" "Are you out with your mummy and daddy?" You know where you can shove that Jägerbomb, don't you buddy?

1. "Are Your Parents Home?"

And the absolute, undisputed worst thing about being a babyface? Well, it's this... You've moved out of your family home. You're an independent young adult. You have a job, you pay your way and you're really proud of your new pad. You get a knock on the door and it's one of those irritating sales people who nobody has time for (even when they do have plenty of time). "Hello", you say. "Hello young man/lady", they reply, "are your parents home?" The door is immediately slammed in their putrid, patronising face. So there you have it, were you a babyface growing up? Can you relate to this list? What other problems did you experience growing up with your youthful looks? Let us know in the comments box below.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.