19 Things All Tall Girls Will Understand

Are you half giant?

Inevitably, your height will have a big impact on your life whether you're short or tall. Being tall has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. You might feel a sense of pride at being able to easily spy all of the dirty magazines on the top shelf but if you're too tall you apparently don't "fit the criteria of what it is to be proper woman". Rather horribly, you can become the subject of gaping looks and ridicule, all because your legs are too long by someone else's standards. All of you tall girls out there are certain that you're worth the climb. But if someone else takes one more look at your body and decides that it's okay to call you a giraffe or a giant again, you're going to come down to their level and give them a right telling off. You don't directly have a problem with your height but everyone else seems to and that isn't right. It's probably taken you a while to get used to your height as you've always seen it as a hinderance when you were growing up and you just wanted to fit in. Being a teenager is difficult enough, but when life throws you awkward limbs that you don't know what to do with, high school can be the worst place on Earth. But that's all in the past, so stop walking about with a slouch because you're trying to fit in with the crowd. You're a peacock, and you've got to fly.

19. Getting Into Bars When You Were Underage Was Too Easy

Hot Fuzz Simon Pegg Whens Your Birthday Underage Drinking Funny Angry Gif Gif

Even if you didn't drink you wanted to chance it. Sometimes you just want to feel the thrill of being an underager at some club where your feet stuck to the floor and people were throwing up over each other at the bar. Oh, the glamorous life.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com