20 Awesome New Emojis Coming To Smartphones

11. Dhyani Buddha

There was genuine excitement about there being a Buddha emoji, because the world has been crying out for something with the appropriate figure to show that they've dodged going to the gym again. However the Dhyani Buddha won't quite be image of a rotund bald man laughing heartily for no apparent reason, as the Dyhani Buddha are physical embodiments of the great Buddha's main qualities. Long story short, they look nothing like Matt Lucas. They're still sat with their legs folded though, looking sage-like, wearing nothing but a sash and putting out the sort of spiritual contentment that us mere mortals can usually only dream of. So, y'know, if you've been trying to find an emoji that sums up just how it feels to cancel all your plans for a night and watch old movies in your pants, now you've got it.
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