20 Damn Sexy Pizzas You Totally Need In Your Life Right Now

17. Full English Breakfast Pizza

The British sure do love themselves a hearty fry-up to start the day. And what better way of enjoying this traditional breakfast than by slapping it all on a pizza? Bacon? Check. Egg? Check. Sausage? Check. Mushroom? Check. Tomato? Check. Beans? Check. Hell, there's even some fried potatoes on the above pizza. Literally all that's missing is some black pudding and a large dollop of brown sauce (or red sauce, if you're one of those types). Whilst the full English breakfast pizza isn't available in your standard pizza delivery outlets just yet, this is a dish that is actually on the menu of various restaurants across the UK. And trust me, it definitely turns breakfast into a whole different animal. Fancy making this crammed delight of a pizza? Check out instructables.com for all you need to know.
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Senior Writer

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