20 Embarrassing Things Your Parents Put You Through As A Kid

2. Moving You Into University

10 Gif This is probably the biggest milestone you hit on your way to becoming an adult and a huge step into the real world €“ you can€™t wait to get started. You€™ve done your research, chosen your course and packed your bags, and you€™re more than ready to take on the challenges before you. Tomorrow is a new day. As you€™re being moved into your dorm and you see your housemates for the next year pile in, you can€™t wait to get to know everyone (and probably hit the nearest club). The only problem is your Mum and Dad will not leave. They want to unpack your room with you and hold on desperately to the little baby they used to have and it€™s impossible to get them out the door, despite how many times you ask for the time or check your watch. When you finally manage to get them out the door, the waterworks come and your folks don€™t just break the no public affection rule, they completely obliterate all personal space and embrace you in the longest and most awkward hug you€™ll ever experience. Words cannot describe how embarrassing it is to introduce yourself to your housemate with your Mum€™s lipstick firmly planted on your cheek.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.