20 Embarrassing Things Your Parents Put You Through As A Kid

18. When They Tease You

5 Gif Despite what you think when you become the dreaded teenager your parents feared, you don€™t know everything and one of these days you will say something wrong in front of them. Since you€™re still learning the ways of the world, you€™d ask that your parents acknowledge your mistake and help you better yourself, but if you say something downright stupid it's fair game for your parents. They€™ll ridicule you, bring it up when they need a good chuckle and whenever you€™re getting a bit too big for your boots they€™ll quickly cut you down with a swift reminder of your failure. This isn€™t just down to lack of brain activity that makes them tease you; your fashion sense (it€™s never pretty looking back at it €“ just take a minute and remind yourself how much of your butt your trousers did not cover), your music taste or even your weird half Mum/half Dad accent you picked up €“ it€™s all easy pickings for your parents when they€™re in need of a good chuckle.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.