20 Facts Every Harry Potter Super-Nerd Should Know

9. Lupin And Tonks Died To Complete The €œOrphan Cycle€

Rowling originally had no intention whatsoever to kill beloved but beleaguered character Remus Lupin in the climax of the series, a decision which was ultimately met with much outcry by fans everywhere who were understandably upset that Lupin lost out on the chance at happiness with his new family after the war was won. In reality, this is the very reason that Rowling decided to kill him. According to her, the seventh book €“ and, indeed, much of the series €“ was focused on the horrors of war, specifically on the tragedy of it snatching parents from their children, as exemplified by our orphaned hero himself. As such, Lupin and Tonks both, she expressed, had to die in order to bring home the reality of the repercussions of war at the end of the seventh book. This, additionally, completes the circle from Harry€™s becoming orphaned at the beginning of the series and the end of the first war, paralleling Teddy Lupin at the end of the second.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.