20 Facts Every Harry Potter Super-Nerd Should Know

5. Dumbledore Was In Love With Grindelwald

Though it sounds like a fanfiction writer€™s idle conception, ever since JKR confirmed that Dumbledore was gay, the theories about his relationship with the charming wizard gone dark side were flying fast and far, until Rowling herself revealed that Dumbledore was indeed in love with Grindelwald. The actual text of The Deathly Hallows hints towards Dumbledore€™s and Grindelwald€™s strong friendship as highly intelligent and ambitious teenagers with troubled pasts, and Rowling describes Dumbledore as being immensely drawn to the young, brilliant but sinister Grindelwald €“ and then €œterribly, horribly€ let down by him when he turned towards the Dark side. This adds yet another dimension of meaning and sentiment to the backstory of the headmaster, who in 1945 had to vanquish Grindelwald when he put into practice the anti-Muggle plans that they worked on together as young men.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.