20 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind In One Sentence

5. In The US, Deer Kill More People Than Bees, Wasps, Spiders, Rattlesnakes, Mountain Lions, Sharks, Alligators, Bears, Scorpions, Wolves, Horses And Bulls Put Together

Hard to believe, but it's true. The increase in roads being built through rural areas has caused the number of deer-related car accidents to increase dramatically, with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimating that collisions with deer are responsible for 200 deaths annually. Compared to that the average number of deaths due to all the animals listed above is tiny. Bees/wasps come closest, with an estimated 53 deaths per year, while dogs and horses account for just over 50 between them. All the others add up to fewer than 20 deaths per year, with most at one or under. So even though Hollywood loves a killer shark film, it's Bambi you really need to worry about.

4. If You Are Over 46, The World Population Has Doubled In Your Lifetime

In 1968 the population of the world was around 3,557,000,000. Today it is 7,237,000,000+ That's a lot of babies.

3. US President John Tyler's Oldest And Youngest Children Died Almost Exactly 100 Years Apart

As well as being the tenth President of the United States John Tyler (1790-1862) was very busy in the bedroom, fathering 15 children, the most of any President. His first child, Mary, was born in 1815 and died in 1847 whilst his youngest, Pearl, was born in 1860 and died in 1947. He kept fathering children almost to his death, as Pearl was born when Tyler was 70 years old. As of January 2012 Tyler still had two living grandchildren which, unsurprisingly, makes him the earliest President with living grandchildren.

2. If Every Person On Earth Shuffled A Deck Of Cards Every Second For The Length Of The Universe They Would Still Not Shuffle Every Possible Order

The number of different ways a 52-card deck can be arranged is 8x10^67, or alternatively eight with 67 zeros after it. At a rate of one per second, it would take the world's population 6x10^50 years to shuffle every combination. In all likelihood, humanity will die out long before every combination has been shuffled. And finally, the most British fact of all...

1. Since 1945, All British Tanks Have Come With Built-in Tea Making Facilities

Yes, that's right. Starting with the 1945 Centurion, all British tanks and most armoured vehicles are required to have a "Boiling Vessel". As well as making tea and other hot drinks it can be used for boil-in-the-bag meals. The inclusion of the Boiling Vessel is unique to the British Armed Forces and often takes foreign military visitors by surprise. Know any other amazing and mind-blowing facts? Post them below or let me know on Twitter at @dangoad
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Having failed at being an actor and failed at having a job Dan decided to return to education and is now studying for a PhD in Classics. In his spare time he enjoys analysing every area of popular culture: from film to television to video games to theatre to literature. Find him on twitter @dangoad