20 Genius Tumblrs That Defined 2013

1. Selfies At Funerals

Find It Here. You probably do know - you've got as far as number one on an article about Tumblr - but in case you don't, "Selfies" is a term given to a photo you take of yourself, traditionally at arm's length. Some people think you're cool if you give your fans updates on what you're wearing, and where you are. Some people think you're a bit of a loser if you don't have friends and/or don't know how to work a self-timer. Selfies At Funerals is a whole different ball game to the original idea. Add in a pinch of offending your family members, a dash of that selfie irony and just a splash of jumping on a hashtag, and you have this blog. 2013 was apparently the year of the selfie, and Selfies At Funerals was the forerunner for innovative self-taken photos; they've not only caused uproar, but Barack Obama joined in, snapping him and his mates at Nelson Mandela's funeral. The blog claim that thanks to this momentous selfie, their work is done. Is that to be the case? We'll see in 2014, I guess... What was your favourite Tumblr? Would you like to shamelessly plug your own? Which actresses do you think look better without teeth? Do you also enjoy sticking googly eyes on your novels? If you're politer than the sandwich boys, comment below!
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.