20 Horrific Secrets You'll Discover If You Work In Retail

17. You Need To Take Extra Protection Of Your Thumb And Fingers

Some retail jobs have a James Bond style signing in and out system. Long gone are the days of when you needed a staff card or a code to let your employer know that you're on time, some systems require your fingerprints. Before the new signing in and signing out system became a thing, you never really cared about the state of your hands and fingers but now, you make a conscious effort to ensure that there is skin on them at all times. Signing in with your fingerprints is pretty high tech and don't pretend that you haven't at least once pretended to be 007 when you're heading home. Although it can sometimes take a few attempts to read your prints because you're putting your hand on the sensor at a slightly different angle or you have a little cut, you're now late for work and your pay has been deducted. Great.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com