20 Life-Saving Things You Look Forward To At The Weekend

19. Free Food Samples From Festivals

Slightly more specific, but let's face it - food festivals and niche markets of haute hipster cuisine are popping up all over, all thanks to the tidal wave of clean eating, organic produce, and foodies becoming significant and desirable in the modern world. Not that there's anything wrong with eating how and whatever you want to eat, not at all - particularly not when it can lead you to getting to try some delicious freebies on the weekend. You think about it all week, particularly when your more moneyed coworkers or friends mention the latest culinary delicacy and you're left with your mouth watering and your wallet screaming 'NO'. So, you decide to head to the markets and find the free samples; they might not even be of the food you particularly want, but they're free, organic, and delicious. You exclaim your delight and claim you'll back around to make sure that you do buy them - and you don't. You leave, knowing full well that you'll be back at the next one, and you don't care in the slightest.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.