20 Little Known Facts That Will Make You See Famous Actors Differently

11. Audrey Hepburn Was A Resistance Courier In World War II

Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn is famed for being one of Hollywood€™s most successful and beautiful screen legends. Even if you haven€™t seen any of her films, chances are you€™ve got the image of her iconic black dress and pearls from Breakfast at Tiffany€™s, perhaps in addition to her interesting interpretation of cockney from My Fair Lady. As a child, Hepburn€™s mother moved her to the Netherlands after World War II was declared in the hope that it would remain neutral and safe from German attack. However in 1940 the Germans invaded. At this point Hepburn was studying ballet, and by age 14 she was an accomplished dancer. She used this skill to perform secret dances for the rebels to raise money for the resistance, as well as transporting messages through her ballet shoes. This was risky business (and we repeat, she was 14), and was rounded up by the Germans at one point but thankfully managed to escape. Once the war ended, Hepburn pursued ballet in a less dangerous arena, moving onto film in the late 1940s.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.