20 Little Known Facts That Will Make You See Famous Actors Differently

2. Bill Murray Hates Groundhog Day

Bill Murray may be an absolute legend of a man, but when he doesn€™t want to do something he can be the most infuriating man alive. Despite the universal love that audiences seem to share for Groundhog Day, this affection was not met by its star. Murray hated working on the film, possibly because he was bitten by the groundhog twice, but more likely because he and director Harold Ramis argued incessantly during production. During the filming Murray became incredibly difficult to contact on set. He was asked to hire a personal assistant to try and guarantee some messages would get through, which he did. Only problem being, the assistant was deaf and mute, and could only communicate through sign language. Nobody on set knew sign language, and neither did Murray. Nicely done.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.