20 Mind-Blowing iPhone Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

9. The 5S Cost $199 To Build

According to some (misinformed) experts, Apple are the devil's corporate wing because they sell inferior technology, built for a pittance in China, for an insanely inflated price point, and then laugh all the way to Hell's bank. This is not true: the suggestion that iPhone 5S's cost about $80 to make are utter rhubarb, as a Teardown analysis by AllThingsD on a handset found the cost was more like $199 on average. And when you bring in the costs of Apple's retail arm, the pay of executives who make the money and the window cleaning bills for their store, the selling price is a little more fair in perspective.

8. Steve Jobs Made A Prank Call

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd6dQmN-mPw In order to show the phone-call capabilities of the first iPhone in 2007 at MacWorld, Steve Jobs decided to make a prank call, using Google Maps to locate the nearest Starbucks, and ordering 4,000 lattes to go before quickly stating in no uncertain terms it was a wrong number. Sadly for Starbucks, Apple fanboys still repeat the prank, because, well, you know...

7. Siri Stores Everything You Ask It For 2 Years

Next time you're lazily asking Siri to locate the finest pornography known to man, or ask it to check out that rash you've had for some time, it'd be best to remember that everything you say to your phone will be saved for two years, in order presumably to sell you porn and anti-itch cream in the future or something, though they do claim that it's all anonymous, as Apple spokesperson Trudy Muller once said:
€œApple may keep anonymized Siri data for up to two years. If a user turns Siri off, both identifiers are deleted immediately along with any associated data.€

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.