20 Mind-Blowing iPhone Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

4. iPhones Can Survive Falls Of More Than 13,000 Feet

Clearly there are now signs at all free-falling events that tell morons not to take their phone with them, because there's always one person who decides to flaunt common sense and do silly things when it's not spelled out. Such is the case of the skydiver who dropped his iPhone 4 in the middle of a jump from 13.500 feet in the air. Probably expecting some sort of iPancake, he tracked the phone half a mile away to where it had landed on top of a building and not into a crowd of unsuspecting people. Impressively the screen was cracked, but it still answered incoming calls, which is more than some iPhone 5's currently do after the iOS8 update.

3. The First iPhone Was Invented In 1983

It wasn't actually a smartphone though in traditional terms (obviously) - instead it was a land line phone with a built in stylus controlled interface. So not ALL that different considering it's been 30 plus years since it was made. The phone was designed by Apple computer developer Hartmut Esslinger, and offers some impressive foreshadowing of modern products, even if it was never actually released to the public - it's still the only Apple prototype not to get a traditional consumer release.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.