20 Misconceptions You Have About Britain

3. Everyone Knows The Queen

Sure, Britain might not be as big as your fancy pants big countries. The island isn't as small as some seem to believe though. No, we haven't ever had the pleasure of speaking with the Queen, and neither has anyone we know.

2. We All Speak The Queen's English

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8mzWkuOxz8 For some reason, movies and television shows have a tendency to show off the majority of British people as speaking with perfect, posh accents. You'd be hard pressed to actually find anyone even in central London that sounds like that though.

1. Our Tea Drinking Habits

If you mean we drink a lot of tea, you'd be exactly right. If you mean that we ritualise the process with 4 o'clock afternoon tea and bone china, you'd be exactly wrong. We Brits love our tea, but it usually consists of boiling water poured straight into a massive mug, with none of that posh nonsense. Anyway, coffee seems to be about as popular as tea these days, and there's a ridiculously high density of coffee shops to be found. Did you used to believe any of the things on this list? Are there any other misconceptions that you've heard people claim about Britain? Let us know below!
In this post: 
The Queen
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