20 Naughty Puns That Unbelievably Made It Into Newspaper Headlines

9. That's Not Something To Celebrate

This one makes you think. It's hidden in plain sight. The obvious that's not obvious. Then it hits you. And you laugh hysterically. Kudos to the Trentonian subeditor that creatively hid this naughty pun.

8. If You Can't Be Excited For Your Father, Who Can You Be...?

The picture that accompanies this story truly makes the headline that much more hilarious. "Oh my goodness, dad! You got the head job!" While this would be an appropriate time to tell you to get your mind out of the gutter, we're not going to tell you that.

7. Childish, But Still Good

OK, this one is a little of a stretch, but the sophomoric humor aficionados among us will truly get a kick out of the Columbian's apparently unintentional headline mishap.

Teacher. Author. Husband. As as educator of journalism, history, and English, Wood has had the chance to warp many an American mind over the last 10 years. He loves Doctor Who, Sherlock, and anything science-fiction.