20 Problems Only Bookworms Will Understand

6. Spoiling Others

Spoilers. The bane of your existence. The factor that can ruin anything from a single book to an epic saga with only a few sentences. The damage that-once done-cannot be undone. The words cannot be unseen. Spoilers. Naturally, it is your duty as an avid reader to avoid spoiling books for those who maybe don't do a lot of reading or have just begun a book that you know is going to get really good. Sooner or later, most bookworms' knee-jerk reaction becomes keeping their mouths shut rather than risking any slips of the tongue that will give away the ending. Unfortunately, most bookworms developed this instinct not out of a inherent inclination to protect the experiences of others, but of a very bad experience of their own.

5. Being Spoiled

You go into some books basically know how they're going to end. If it's a Jane Austen, somebody's going to get married. If it's a Shakespeare comedy, everybody who is not a villain is going to have a happy ending. If it's a Shakespeare tragedy, everybody is pretty much going to die. Still, for the most part, you can pick up Sense and Sensibility or Hamlet and enjoy the ride for what it is. Being actively spoiled is different, and it's nigh on unavoidable nowadays. With the advent of the Internet and all of the headlines and message boards and bizarrely specific Youtube comments, you'll be exposed to spoilers for books before you have the chance to start them. Most bookworms have had at least one big experience with spoilers, and the resulting trauma is one that does not fade with time. Just remember: there is no shame in covering your ears and running away when somebody starts talking about a book that you haven't finished. No shame at all.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .