20 Problems Only Dog Owners Will Understand

13. This Busy Street Will Do

When dogs need to go, they need to go; it doesn€™t matter if they€™re in your house, the car or in the middle of a dog show. However, the most inappropriate time they choose to go is usually when you€™re crossing the road and the light is flashing yellow. Holding up traffic €“ a polite Brit€™s worst nightmare. You just hold up your hand in apology as a queue of angry men and women honk their horn at you and your now very confused dog.

12. Oof!

There is no size, weight or age limit in the dog€™s eyes. If you let them sit on your lap as a puppy, they€™ll be your lapdog for life. It isn€™t so much a problem if you have a King Charles or a Westie, however, if you have a clingy wolfhound € ouch. If you have a puppy now that you know is going to grow up to be a big dog, maybe it's best to hold off on the snuggling.

11. You€™ve Tried Their Food

Don€™t lie. One day, curiosity got the better of you and you dipped your finger into their wet food or nibbled on their kibble. It wasn€™t worth it.

10. Refusing To Relinquish The Ball

This is the biggest decision your dog will make in their entire life! They love the game and love the rewards just as much; it€™s an eternal struggle going on inside your dog€™s mind. They just don€™t know what to do. No one ever really warns you just how difficult or frustrating it can be to teach your dog fetch. Fetch should really be renamed €˜Give It€™ or €˜Drop the ball.€™


The gate has squeaked open, there's a knock at the door or the bell has been rung; your dog's head has shot up and in a split second you plead with them to stay calm, but to no avail, there is an intruder at the door and your dog must do everything as loudly as possible to protect the family.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.