20 Problems Only People From Glasgow Will Understand

11. Having To Watch The Portrayal Of Literally Any Glaswegian Characters In Films

For a city that's produced acting talent the calibre of Peter Capaldi, Robert Carlyle and... uh... the guy who played Pippin in The Lord of the Rings, Glasgow gets a shockingly poor representation on screen. Orlando Bloom's character in Pirates of the Caribean was allegedly born in the city but didn't once headbutt anybody, and that wee lad in Neds didn't even wear trackies or drink a single bottle of Bucky. That's not even mentioning all the poor lads Scarlett Johansson gets her alien hands on in Under The Skin, or that the council have tried to claim Scrooge McDuck.
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Managing Editor

WhatCulture's Managing Editor and Chief Reporter | Previously seen in Vice, Esquire, FourFourTwo, Sabotage Times, Loaded, The Set Pieces, and Mundial Magazine