20 Problems Only People From South Shields Will Understand

Muhammad Ali kind of got married here, you know.

Sandwiched between Newcastle and Sunderland, South Shields is all too often dismissed as €˜that town by the sea with the Roman fort and all the curry houses€™. And while those are indeed two of our main attractions, there€™s a lot more to South Shields than just our rich history and delicious food (not so humble brag intended). We may not have anything as iconically North Eastern as the Tyne Bridge or Angel of the North, but us Sanddancers have our own local customs and traditions, mostly focused around drinking, that make our little coastal town distinct from its Geordie and Mackem neighbours. From the good (Minchella€™s) and the bad (seagulls) to the downright weird (so many things), we€™re a worthy detour on the Metro when it€™s actually working. Here€™s what makes us and our seaside haven so unique€

20. The Constant War Between Man And Bird

The seagulls in South Shields are big, mean, hungry and they€™re coming for your Greggs pasty. Let€™s just pray they don€™t go Alfred Hitchcock on us.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.