20 Problems Only People Who Don't Eat Meat Will Understand

But, where do you get your protein?

Why is it that as soon as you tell someone you're vegetarian or vegan, they suddenly have a degree in nutrition? More so, they know exactly what your body needs and what you should be putting in it. Thanks for the "advice", dear stranger, I'll have to ferociously decline taking it and continue with my evidently miserable existence without chicken. There's a merry-go-round of false and, frankly, stupid claims about vegans and vegetarians in general society. Veganism is a white privilege; vegetarians are pretentious: all rubbish provoked by meat-eaters that have nothing to do with your life choices. Of course, not every person you meet is so narrow-minded, but this omnivorous world doesn't always make it easy. The obvious problem in the life of a non meat-eater is the indisputable fact that global vegetarianism isn't happening anytime soon. There are, however, other minor niggles that both veggies and vegans go through: like when you eat too many beets and your pee turns worryingly purple, or when trying to open a packet of tempeh is about as easy as finding Chuck Norris. We wouldn't change our lifestyle for the world; but it's not always easy being green...
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell