20 Reasons Being A Single Woman Is The Best

10. You Don't Have To Shave

Gentlemen, forget about worrying you're going to scratch someone's face with your beard, and ladies, who cares if your legs resemble a cactus! There's no one to expect you to maintain your personal appearance when you're single. As the famous Disney song goes, "Let it grow, let it grow!"....or something like that. Forget society's expectations about hair anyway, right?

9. You Don't Have To Share Your Personal Space

Learning how to live with a roommate is hard enough, but when it's someone you're romantically involved with it can just end up a mess. Being single means you don't have to share the bed, you don't have to share your closet space, you don't have to share your bathroom... basically, you don't have to share, and isn't that what everybody really wants?

8. Your Sleep Is Never Interrupted

Because let's be honest, sleep is the best boyfriend/girlfriend anyone could ever have.

7. You Can Plan Your Schedule However You Want

No maneuvering around whatever your significant other has going on each day in order to plan out what you want to do. You're a wild stallion, able to run wherever you will (within the time constraints allowed by school/work/adult responsibilities). But at least you don't have to consider someone else's school/work/adult responsibilities when planning out how to spend your precious free time.

Sara Rowe. 22 year old writer and blogger from Oklahoma. Graduated with my Bachelor's in English and a minor in Spanish. Love cats, soccer, reading, writing, and fashion. My life is rich in embarrassments but still an embarrassment of riches.