20 Struggles Of Going On A Blind Date

20. "What If I'm Just A Time Filler?"

Secret Window Johnny Depp Eating Crisps Gif Gif

It may probably occur to you that the reason they've asked you out on a Wednesday night is because that was a night that they had free and they moved some things around to make themselves available to you, right? What if you're not Friday night material? What's wrong with a Friday or a Saturday? They're real date nights so why are you being boycotted with a Wednesday date night? Then it occurs to you: what if you're just a time filler? Someone who people go out with on boring days of the week because they have nothing else to do and you'll simply fill out some of their time? What does a Wednesday date even mean and who are they taking out on the weekend instead?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com