20 Terrifying Internet Urban Legends

7. Smile Dog

Who hurt you, 4chan? Seriously? More heinous stories of the supernatural have come out of that message board than MR James managed in a whole career, although we doubt many of them got adapted into rap songs. Yep, above even Jeff The Killer and The Rake we place Smile.jpg, otherwise known as Smile.dog, for reasons that are probably clear from the crazy image above that we can't look at for too long without having to change our underwear. Or get off of the toilet. Working from home has its luxuries, friends. The actual origins of the story and accompanying photo are murky, but seem to be tied to a Photoshopped image of a Polaroid photo, showing an angry looking dog with a mouth of human-like teeth grinning menacingly at the camera, with a couple of bloody fingerprints stained at the bottom of the snap. The story of what happened to this poor Siberian Husky - or rather, what the poor Siberian Husky did to its much less fortunate owner - only serves to make the photo all the more terrifying.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/