20 Terrifying Internet Urban Legends

16. The Rake

At this point the internet has become such a reliable source for new, nightmare-inducing urban legends that they've been classed a whole separate sub genre of scary stories: creepypasta, named because they're copied and pasted throughout the web and because...well, they're supposed to be creepy. One of our favourites - by which we mean, one which we stay away from at all costs because it's bloody terrifying - is one that's best known as The Rake. Like most of the examples on the list the story began as a bit of text but has evolved into doctored photos, videos and animated gifs which all purport to show the titular creature IRL. A crowdsourced product of 4chan's infamous /b/ messageboards, the original description of The Rake was "Humanoid, about six feet tall when standing, but usually crouches and walks on all fours. It has very pale skin. The face is blank. As in, no nose, no mouth. However, it has three solid green eyes, one in the middle of its forehead, and the other two on either side of its head, towards the back. Usually seen in front yards in suburban areas. Usually just watches the observer, but will stand up and attack if approached. When it attacks, a mouth opens up, as if a hinged skull that opens at the chin. Reveals many tiny, but dull teeth." NO THANKS NO NEED TO SEE PICTURES THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH THANKS.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/