20 Things All Cardiff University Students Will Understand

1. Wildly Conflicting Feelings Towards Fancy Dress

No one does fancy dress like Cardiff University. Whether it's a themed night at a club or a social, fancy dress opportunities arise at least once a week. During Freshers, you absolutely love these nights, and throw yourself into them with reckless abandon. But by the time the first reading week arrives, you're kind of over it. There might be a brief upturn around Halloween, before you realise that Halloween in Cardiff lasts for about two weeks, and your costume is far too elaborate to be worn more than once. While theme nights were fun at first, that 'sexy baby' themed night that the Hockey team had the other week was truly disturbing. And then election week started. Overnight, the university became flooded with desperate third years in ridiculous costumes based on a tenuous link with their names. A girl named Eve will invariably wear a skin-coloured onesie and a fig leaf. A boy named Barney will dress as a purple dinosaur. These are things that actually happen. They will wonder across the city with billboards scrawled with horrible puns, desperate for your votes. You won't be able to walk down Cathays Terrace without wanting to punch someone.
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With a (nearly) useless degree in English literature and a personal trainer qualification he's never used, Freddie spends his times writing things that he hopes will somehow pay the rent. He's also a former professional singer, and plays the saxophone and ukulele. He's not really used to talking about himself in the third person, and would like to stop now, thanks.