20 Things You Didn't Know About Google
14. Google Own A Dinosaur
That's not a joke. Like, the nerds at Google bought up some really ancient piece of technology or one of the first computers or something and so it's nicknamed a "dinosaur". They literally own a dinosaur. The skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was dug up near their building in Mountain View, so they decided to put it on display on campus and named it, erm, Stan.
13. The First Doodle Was A Vacation Note
The Google Doodles have become something of an institution. Nowadays you won't come to the search engine's homepage and find the actual logo, but an illustration or animation about a famous event in the day's history. They have a whole team working on it. And it started with the simple logo variation above in 1998, to let people know founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were off to Burning Man.