20 Things You Didn't Know About Google

6. They're Truly International

Google Doodle Germany World Cup Gif

Google has the largest network of translators in the world. They're used by people all over the world. Is there a more internationally-friendly website going? They even added Cherokee as a language in Gmail, which was jolly nice of them. And the homepage is viewable in Klingon, which was jolly nerdy of them.

5. Google Played A Part In The Arab Spring

Arab Spring

Technology and social media, specifically, were celebrated for their key role in political struggles across the Middle East during the revolutionary protests that saw the population fighting back against government oppression. When said oppression took the form of shutting down internet access by protesters, Google teamed up with Twitter to pioneer technology that would let people send tweets by typing messages to a phone number.

4. They're Going To The Moon

spacex rocket

Like, not just to take pictures of it. They're not making a Google Moon (although how cool would that be?) In early 2004 Google announced plans to build a lunar base, tentatively titled The Googlunaplex. There hasn't been a whole lot of advancement on that initial announcement, which some have speculated was actually an April Fool's, but considering the current interest in commercial space travel with stuff like SpaceX? Can't be far off.

3. And Working On Immortality

Ray Kurzweil

Or at least, Ray Kurzweil is. In 2012 he was hired as a director of engineering at Google, a slightly vague job title which apparently has something to do with the futurist's attempts to artificially extend his life. Kurzweil is of the opinion that with the right combination of medical science, vitamins, diet and technology, he can live forever. And with Google backing him, he wants everybody to get that chance.

So long as they still use Google in perpetuity, presumably.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/