20 Things Only Londoners Will Understand

3. Leicester Square

A typical Londoner has to pay more for a cinema ticket than the rest of the country anyway. They€™re used to that. What they€™re not used to is Leicester Square €“ where the tickets are even more expensive than that and the screens for the most part are extremely cramped. The majority of the film premieres are held there, and because each cinema wants to be able to boast more seats than the others, there seems to a competition to reduce the legroom down the bare minimum. Prime tickets at the main Leicester Square cinema are nearly £25 per person €“ a price that potentially might be double the cost of the DVD when it comes out. But one delight is the nearby Prince Charles Cinema €“ a low cost cinema which shows a huge number of classic films and trilogy sets, not to mention sing-a-longs, especially popular for Rocky Horror and Sound of Music showings.

2. The Real North/South Divide

When the north/south divide is generally referred to, it is to distinguish between London and the South East and pretty much everywhere else. But that isn€™t the real one €“ the real one is the divide caused by the Thames. That€™s right, North London versus South London. North London has the vast majority of the Tube stations, and because of this those who live there generally avoid going south as it requires them to know the bus routes. But equally those in South London tend to despise those in North London as over-privileged toffs since many of the expensive housing areas are over there. But times are changing, as the North Londoners are claiming the South Bank and London Bridge areas as their own, and Hipsters are moving south of the river. It doesn€™t disguise the animosity between the two groups though€ and we won€™t even get started on Croydon.

1. This Man

Boris Gif Never has there been a man before who divides opinion like Boris Johnson €“ the question is, is he annoying or simply harmless? He€™s effectively immortal now, as long after he€™s moved on from being the Mayor of London, Boris Bikes will continue to be used throughout the Capital (no matter what they€™re officially called). After all, there was a point when London Underground tried to stop Londoners from referring to it as the Tube€ and that didn€™t exactly work. Boris is very distinctive, and the latest character to take up the Mayor mantle after €œRed€ Ken Livingston. Londoners won€™t know what it€™s like when they have to vote for the Mayor and there isn€™t a cartoon character posing as a human on the ballot. Frankly though, it is hard to take Boris seriously most of the time, even if he is proposing a London airport which is actually close to the city.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.