20 Things Only Eldest Siblings Understand

8. The Pain Of Knowing They€™re Better Than You

giphy.com Your siblings will copy you, because that€™s just the law of nature; a wild monkey will only eat the red berries if they see another monkey eat them first €“ €˜monkey see monkey do€™. The same can be said for your sibling, they€™ll see you doing something you love and want to share in the fun, so they€™ll start to kick a football, pick up a guitar or start to play chess because it€™s something you€™ll do together and it€™s sweet that they want to spend time with you. The big problem is because they started at a much younger age than you did they have far more time to hone in on their skills and develop their talent to a point far greater than something you could ever strive to. It €“ quiet simply €“ drove you insane. For example, did you know Fightstar€™s Charlie Simpson is the youngest of three brothers and all of the Simpson brothers are front men of bands. Haven€™t heard of Edd or Will have you?
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.