20 Things Only Eldest Siblings Understand

5. You Freak Out Even More When They Start Dating

You thought growing up was bad? Wait until they start dating. Especially if they€™re your sister! There is nothing stranger than seeing your sibling wrapped in the arms of their loved one on the family sofa. It€™s just weird, words can barely scrape the surface of what you€™re feeling underneath - it's just wrong on so many levels. Plus, you know just how painful relationships could end up being (because no doubt you have experienced it yourself) and you can€™t help but cast a very watchful eye over your sibling and their suitor, ready to pounce if they dare upset them.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.