20 Things Only People From Merseyside Will Understand

19. Over The Water

Average Scouse Wool The Wirral is a weird one. Is it Liverpool? Is it not? It's hard to tell any more. These guys suffer the €˜wool€™ label worst of all (even worse than Crosby whoppers) and seem to be a sort of patriotic rival to Liverpudlians, like it€™s a competition to see who has the most scouser points. What a pointless waste of energy. We all know it€™s Louis Emerick.
Apparently so bad is the shame of being labelled a wool, some Wirral folk have even taken to disguising their roots by impersonating pure-blood kidders, as evidenced below: https://youtu.be/bCYQ7bx5VIU
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.