20 Unbelievable Facts Every Ginger Person Should Know

2. A Ginger Family Had To Move Because Of Discrimination

A family in the UK, the Chapmans, and their four children were forced to move out of three different homes thanks to bullies who mercilessly attacked them for their hair colour. Their children were bullied at school, including one of the boys being punched repeatedly, their cars were smashed by vandals, their houses have been egged, and they have had offensive graffiti written on their walls. The behaviour had horrific impact on the family: their daughter locked herself in a bathroom when it got to be too much to handle and the oldest son was caught by his parents trying to hang himself. While ginger-teasing is clearly meant to be light-hearted and "fun," there are real cases where it has escalated far beyond that and has had serious effects on real people. Think on your sins.
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I'm a ginger who watches a lot of Star Wars. Trust me; it's better than it sounds.