20 Weird Science Facts That You Might Just Need One Day

19. Alcohol May Have Played An Important Role In The Development Of Our Species

dogma drunk

Most major cultures discover alcohol pretty early on, in fact, the earliest known alcohol could be 9000 years old. It's not just humans either, as many animals have, whilst they don't cultivate their own, have learnt to drink naturally fermenting rotten fruits in order to get drunk.

It seems as though getting drunk is just part of life on Earth, but some experts think that it could have even played a crucial role in helping us build civilisation. By acting as a social lubricant and breaking down insular tribal hostilities, Jeffrey P. Kahn, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry thinks it could have played a major role in bringing us together as a species.

When you might need to know this:

When you are explaining to your boss exactly why cracking a beer open at your desk is a good thing.

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