21 Awkward Problems You Must Face Everyday

15. How€™s Your Wife? We Are Separated...

archive.beefjack.com archive.beefjack.comThis one sucks, and there is not a great deal you can do about it. You can not exactly go through life checking people€™s ring fingers to make sure that they are still together before you ask someone politely about their spouse. Most people will be pretty nice about it but it is still an awkward few moments of conversation while you remove your foot from deep within your mouth.

14. Dude Tattoos Are Stupid.. I Have Tattoos...

Zach Tattoos Sure, some people are dicks about this and make sure that you feel awkward, but it is still a safe bet not to insult something like a tattoo right in front of someone unless you are damn sure that they do not have any. There is not much of a way to back out of it other than saying €œYea man that€™s cool, I really like the designs of yours but they€™re just not for me. Besides, I don€™t think I could handle the pain like you.€ They will know you are just covering your tracks and you will still look stupid.

13. Accidentally Saying LOL In Conversation

victorious.wikia.comvictorious.wikia.comIf you are older than about 17 this should never happen, but unfortunately it still does. Lots of people have taken to using €œhaha€ only in texts now so as to avoid the potential social crisis of letting a €œlol€ slip out because they forget for a moment that it is real life and each line of speech is not occurring in a blue or grey bubble on their iPhone screen. This one is particularly embarrassing when it happens with someone who has no idea what lol means.


mrwgifs.commrwgifs.comThere is not much worse than meeting someone for the first time when she says something like €œYeah me and my boyfriend just barely have sex anymore€ or €œThis song was playing at my dad€™s funeral last week.€ There is barely an appropriate response to such statements even if the person is a friend. People feel the need to volunteer information about themselves far too often and it puts everyone else in a really awkward situation. How are you supposed to respond to that? €œYea this song is sh*t.€
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Thomas is currently a postgraduate student of literature at the University of St. Andrews. He enjoys music and golf in his spare time when he isn't writing. Tom completed his first novel in the summer of 2013 which was published at the start of this year. Next year he is going to be working as a teacher in Dubai, continuing his research, and writing as much as possible. Follow on Twitter @Tom_Andrews91