21 Awkward Problems You Must Face Everyday

3. Walking Towards A Friend You Have Acknowledged From Far Away

tumblrtumblrThis can be the most awkward few seconds of existence. You have seen someone you know and are lucky enough for them to have acknowledged you as well. Now you are fifty yards away from each other walking towards each other while still looking at each other. The other person is judging your walk. What do you do with your face? Do you start the conversation from far away? A great rule of thumb is to not acknowledge anyone. Stay in your bubble with your headphones on. You will be more comfortable.

2. The €œYou Too Experience€

awkard.silen.seawkard.silen.seIt does not matter what kind of services you have rendered, do not use €œyou too€ as your default response when the customer service rep finishes talking to you. €œEnjoy your meal,€ €œhave a great flight,€ and €œplease come again€ are just a few examples of social suicide for when you answer by saying €œyou too.€

1. Hey What€™s Up? GOOD How€™re You Doing? NOT MUCH

Yygftwk Gif If you answer €œgood€ when someone says €œHey what€™s up?€ or €œnot much€ when someone says €œHow are you doing?€ you can join basically everyone else in the world that is nervous in conversation. Pre-emptively deciding on your default response to a question or greeting is never a good idea unless you just say €œHi€ and even that does not work sometimes.
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Thomas is currently a postgraduate student of literature at the University of St. Andrews. He enjoys music and golf in his spare time when he isn't writing. Tom completed his first novel in the summer of 2013 which was published at the start of this year. Next year he is going to be working as a teacher in Dubai, continuing his research, and writing as much as possible. Follow on Twitter @Tom_Andrews91