21 Ingenious Life Hacks Every Parent Should Know

21. Avoid Spills By Having Children Use Juice Box Flaps

Juice Box Children don't know their own strength. So when you hand them a juice box, it should come as no surprise when they squeeze it tight and squirt juice all over the place. Put an end to those spills by having children grip juice boxes by the flaps. They get to drink. You get to not clean up after them. Everybody wins.

20. Make The Perfect Sandwich For Lunch

Bologna Sandwich We will no longer be slaves to geometry! Circles just don't fit in squares. Cut the meat in half and place it like so to ensure all four corners are covered. Your move, bread.
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Yes, my last name is pronounced exactly as it's spelled. Just like "going to the store". ;) I am an aspiring writer currently working on my first novel, which is GOING to be awesome once it's published. (See what I did there?) I love reading, am a HUGE film buff (who welcomes all trivia challenges), and never miss a New York Giants football game. I'm an open book so if there is anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask.