21 Mind-Boggling Optical Illusions That Will Melt Your Brain

13. Framed Cat

There is a current trend on the internet called ''Cat Circles.'' You essentially draw a circle on the floor and watch your pet cat totally get confused by it. They think they are trapped by an invisible wall. But the cat in the gif below is much smarter than that and isn't prepared to be trapped. Not only is this captivating, it's also very satisfying to watch for some reason. The attention to detail including the shadows on the cat is great.

12. Angry & Calm

This one shows how the brain takes in details from people's faces. When you look at the picture below, the angry face is on the left and the calm face is on the right. But when you back away from the screen, the two faces should swap sides. When you look at anything, you see the fine and coarse detail. But when you are close to something, the fine detail dominates and from a distance, the coarse details become dominant.
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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.