21 Problems Only Dancers Will Understand
And a 5, 6, 7, 8!
Dance: it's a universal art form. After all, everyone finds themselves grooving to the music at some point in their lives, whether it be in a club, at a school dance, at a party, or even in their kitchen with the radio blaring. From the tiniest citizens of the world to the oldest, all people can be united through dance. It is truly something that anyone can do, anywhere, and at anytime. Unfortunately, having dance be so approachable can make life hard for those people who choose it as their passion, or even their profession. Because everyone thinks they "know" dance, the problems of devoted dancers are often glossed over, understated, or ignored all together. People don't really think about the long hours of rehearsal, the struggles and successes, and the cliched blood, sweat, and tears behind the beauty. I mean, if any old person can bust a sweet move in their bedroom, it can't be that much harder to do something similar in a studio or onstage, right? Wrong! For dancers, their art is their life - and, like any other passion, is full of problems. Remember, just because it's pretty doesn't mean it isn't hard work!