21 Problems Only Teachers Will Understand

15. When A Student Sees You Somewhere That Isn't School

Oh, the hilarity of student's facial expressions the moment they spot us in a restaurant/shop/gym. It's like we're an alien race that belong wholly in a classroom. Who could believe we are human too, and buy milk and washing up liquid?! Outrageous.

14. When A Student Knows More Than You

Wow, right in the feels. There's always one student who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the world - and that's great - but boy does it make you feel dumb. The best thing to do in this situation is simply have that student take the remainder of the class, while you sit at the back with a bottle of wine. One can dream...

13. Indoor Breaks

Otherwise known as, no break at all. The staff room can't save you now, fellow warriors. School budgets should include wellies and waterproofs so the kids can go out, regardless of weather. I'm a teacher, get me out of here!
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