Sometimes, it's hard to believe how stupid some students can be, and there's only so much extreme eye rolling you can do. That's nothing compared to the expletives thrown at us; although there's something particularly amusing about being addressed as "Miss" or "Sir" in the same breath a student just told you to "f*ck off".
8. The Peril Of Headlice
You're itching at the thought, aren't you? Kids can't stay off school just because they have lice; which means it's difficult to prevent catching the sticky scalp-loving monsters. Time to get the nit-comb out - this could take a while. This goes for illness, too; some classes emit more snot and slime than the entire Alien franchise. Proposed teaching gear for the future: Iron Man suit.
7. When Students Don't Bring Equipment To Class
If we burned the amount of pencils we've lost during our careers, we could easily fuel a third world country for a week. One maths teacher got real tired of this happening - so had a set of "I Want To Marry Justin Bieber" pencils made. Absolute genius.