21 Problems Only Teachers Will Understand

9. Trying Not To Swear In Class

Sometimes, it's hard to believe how stupid some students can be, and there's only so much extreme eye rolling you can do. That's nothing compared to the expletives thrown at us; although there's something particularly amusing about being addressed as "Miss" or "Sir" in the same breath a student just told you to "f*ck off".

8. The Peril Of Headlice

You're itching at the thought, aren't you? Kids can't stay off school just because they have lice; which means it's difficult to prevent catching the sticky scalp-loving monsters. Time to get the nit-comb out - this could take a while. This goes for illness, too; some classes emit more snot and slime than the entire Alien franchise. Proposed teaching gear for the future: Iron Man suit.

7. When Students Don't Bring Equipment To Class

If we burned the amount of pencils we've lost during our careers, we could easily fuel a third world country for a week. One maths teacher got real tired of this happening - so had a set of "I Want To Marry Justin Bieber" pencils made. Absolute genius.
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