21 Very Real Makeup Problems Every Female Can Relate To

16. Painting The Nails On Your Left Hand Perfectly, But Spectacularly Failing With The Right

No matter how far you stick your tongue out with fierce concentration, there's always that one nail that turns into a cringeworthy abomination as your less-competent hand goes all drunk on it.

15. The Cat Eye Tragedy

Was liquid eyeliner created by Satan himself? First you'll paint your left winged eye slightly longer than your right, so you'll have to over-compensate on the right to mirror it. Then you realise they're too thick so you try to rub each out a little, ending up with eyes like a Dali painting. So what do you do? Cover the smudge in a bold dramatic Amy Winehouse look, that'll definitely work. Or, you know, not. Screw it, we're staying in tonight.

14. When You Rub Your Face And Displace An Entire Eyebrow

No matter how regularly we cover our faces in slap, there's always times we forget and end up with an eyebrow down our left cheek. Vogue.
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