21 Science Facts You Won't Believe Are True
10. In Just One Month We Spend More Time Playing Farmville Than Has Passed Since The Invention Of Agriculture
In a month, 290 million people play Farmville and other Facebook games every day and, in just one month and users spend 105,878 years farming imaginary animals.
This is about ten times as long as the period of time that has passed since the very earliest estimates for the invention of agriculture or, as we sometimes call it, real farming. What's more, real farmers don't send you irritating invitations every 10 minutes.
9. The T. Rex Lived Closer To Humans Than Stegosaurus
Speaking of mind-boggling lengths of time - we tend think of the dinosaurs as living it up in one big Jurassic Park kinda set up, but they were actually ruling the roost for anything between 230 and 65 million years, which is a long time for different species to rise and fall. This means that the Tyrannosaurus Rex actually lived much closer in time to humans than the Stegosaurus.
Bonus: Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. By the time she was born, it was already 2530 years old, so it would be like imagining us living cheek by jowl with Jesus of Nazareth.