21 Struggles Only Insomniacs Will Understand

18. Sweatiness

Everyone sweats. That's just biology. But sometimes €“ mostly on those days when the weather lady recommends sunblock €“ your sleeping exploits will be worsened tenfold by dreaded perspiration. It's not just the sweat itself that irks the poor sleep-deprived human. It's more about the knowledge that it won't stop until something's done about it. Although there is one temporary quick fix: take the duvet out of its cover, try to sleep with just the cover itself and have about 15 minutes of fun pretending you're a decadent Spaniard.

17. TV Addiction

Whether you're inclined to dramas, comedies or crap reality TV, it's pretty hard to restrain from watching one episode straight after the other when you're supposed to be kipping. The spiral can sometimes go so deep that you'll find yourself up for days on end trying to get the entire thing finished. Netflix and box-sets are the bane of the insomniac's life.

16. Too Many Pillows

Balancing your head on a colossal obelisk of pillows is never a great idea. You neck will hurt in the morning and you'll be forced to sit creepily upright in chairs like a horror movie villain throughout the next day. People will give you weird looks and chat amongst themselves (or maybe they don't, it's probably just the paranoia from not having slept).

Obsessed with punk rock and pro wrestling. Writer (obviously) and Features Editor at Audio Addict Magazine.