21 Totally Irrational Problems Only Anxious People Will Understand

12. When Someone Doesn't Respond On Facebook

Facebook has many uses - talking to friends, avoiding older family members who decide to become your friends, getting serious envy over everyone else's fantastic holidays, new jobs, and life achievements - but it's also responsible for causing one of the most emotionally distressing things for an anxious person to experience. Let's face it, when the messenger keeps the 'FRIEND is typing...' business for the good part of five minutes, you're left in some kind of horrible emotional limbo. If they really are typing, then why aren't they responding? What if it's important? If on the other hand you realise that it's just a computer glitch, then any hope that your friend had something meaningful and worthwhile to say to you fades away and you're hit with an immediate wave of 'realisation' that you friend clearly hates you and wishes you'd never ever spoken to them.

11. Dancing (In Any Context)

Nothing's sexier than watching a socially anxious person either a) not drink and dance in a really awkward, shoulders-only dance, b) drink too much and then dance like they're off their minds at Coachella, or c) not dance, not drink, and spend the night hovering around, looking uncomfortable, and holding everyone's coats while they're grooving on the dancefloor. Yep. Nothing. Sexier.

10. Needing The World's Most Extensive To-Do List

Kill Bill Death List 600 You simply cannot live without it. No, it's not prescription medication, alcohol, or the latest technological aid; it's the humble to-do list which anxious people have the real problem of having to fill in extensively and intensively, pretty much all the time. To-do lists help calm our crazed nerves by pinning down the world as much as possible. We might not actually like the idea of being inexorably tied down with them, but if we went without it'd be way too nerve-wracking trying to remember everything we have to do that we'd just end up staying at home.

Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.