22 Amazing Fictional Swear Words Everyone Should Use In Real Life

18. Smeghead (Red Dwarf)

Another slur courtesy of the Boys From The Dwarf and another of Lister's favourite words, 'smeg' can be as insulting or innocuous as the speaker chooses, alternately standing in for words such as s**t, f**k, bloody and piss. Despite the word being utterly fictional, some people still have trouble saying it as with the android Kryten, whose anti-profanity programming won't allow him to complete an utterance of 'smeghead' without sounding like he's having a stroke.

17. Frell (Farscape)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRTDfyTMOUg Occupying the same space as the f-word-replacing frak, Farscape's 'frell' is arguably equally popular among fans of sci-fi but hasn't had quite the same lexical impact on pop culture at large as BSG's curse word. It's a shame, too, because frell's different construction means it can be utilised in different ways with other words, resulting in greatly pleasing creations like 'frelling hell', among others.

16. Zarking Fardwarks (Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy)

Another Hitchhiker's Guide term, this joyful phrase speaks for itself, being a clear stand-in for exclamations like "f***ing hell!" and even feels like saying it wrong could land you in hot water. Unfortunately, it's just too damn satisfying to not say it any time you stub a toe or break a glass. "ZARKING FARDWARKS!"

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.