22 Common Misconceptions You've Always Believed (Until Now)

6. Black Holes Suck Everything Up

No Mans Sky Black Hole
Hello Games

Popular culture would have you believe that black holes are cosmic vacuums with the ability to suck up entire galaxies into nothingness. In actuality black holes only have as much gravitational force as their mass prior to becoming one. It is very possible for an object to orbit near one without assured destruction. As long as it orbits outside the event horizon it won€™t get pulled in.

5. Swimming After Eating Gives You Cramps

Crush Swimming In Finding Nemo

After eating, many parents tell their kids to wait at least 30 minutes before swimming in order to avoid cramps. While the process of digestion does require more blood flow to the stomach, this does not mean our other muscles will be deprived. In truth you€™re no more at risk of cramping on a full stomach than normal.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.