22 Irrational Everyday Occurrences That Everyone Experiences

7. Practicing Arguments Out Loud

This Was Different In My Head 500 Days Of Summer Gif Gif

No one can ever deny doing this because it's a thing. Whenever someone has riled you up the wrong way, you always think about what you're going to say so that when the time comes you can get it right and feel epic. Everyone always kicks themselves hours after the fight has happened because they've thought of the perfect comeback but you're now best friends again so it's not like you can disturb the peace and say "oh and another thing you annoyed me with..." This is a good way to get geared up for the big moment and prepare yourself for what you're going to say and most importantly, how you're going to say it. It's all about your tone.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com